Saturday, March 15, 2008

The March of Ides

The Soothsayer who was ignored by Julius Caesar on his way to the forum on that long ago March 15th may have been on to something more vast than a few guys with shivs under their togas. Here in Naples, FLA, a.k.a. Paradise (at least until the swarm of the love bugs arrives in a few months) this is the day of the annual St. Patrick’s day parade. And for those concerned that this tiny southern outpost might not be able to produce a parade comparable to that of Boston or New York, not to worry. Naples has it all, only, blessedly, less. The Boston Cops and Firemen were represented, by straggly groups of paunchy retirees. Ditto for the Big Apple contingents. Looking especially spiffy, however, resplendent in matching blue/grey golf shirts with embroidered breast patches were the retirees of the Massachusetts State Police, following along behind a 1961 vintage patrol car. Considering the number of tickets these guys had probably written during their careers, they got a warm reception.

A number of Massachusetts college alumni groups were represented including: Stonehill, Providence College, Merrimack, and a particularly large group from Salem State College. Also marching were the Notre Dame and Purdue alumni groups. The parade is reputed to include a large Boston College contingent, but once again this year, we left before it arrived at our vantage point.

Several southwestern-Florida based pipe bands marched as did a number of Irish step dancers, some step dancing along the line of march and some jigging atop a float. Tres authentic. Irish contingents representing Rhode Island, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio, of all places, marched in what appeared to be a formation planned around an open keg earlier in the day. And finally, keeping with the spiritual theme of the day, not one, not two, but three St. Patricks were spotted. For those keeping score, only one green-haired Elvis was counted.

Being a big political year, a number of local candidates were seen and the Collier County Republican Club was well-represented. The Democrats either didn’t show or they were back with the BC contingent.

The most striking (or should I say surreal) presence of the day was Phyllis Schafly riding by in a red convertible looking sort of like Pat Nixon as homecoming queen. When Barry Goldwater said famously that “extremism in the pursuit of liberty is not a vice,” He might have had Phyllis in mind. Turns out she was in town to deliver her annual address to the local chapter of the Eagle Forum, which she founded in the 70’s. Among the ideas she put forth yesterday was a call for the U.S. to withdraw from the U.N. and split from the W.T.O. lest some foreigner starts dictating to the good old U.S. of A. She is also is seeking a stake through the heart for the DREAM Act. In case you are wondering, she is also on guard in case the feminist resurrect the Equal Rights Bill.

Over all, not a bad parade, but Southie it wasn’t

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