Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Morning in Naples

The harsh glare of daylight came early this morning, along with the stark realization that Herself has risen, once again from the crypt. The consensus now seems to be that the duel of the Dems will go down to the wire at the convention and this may not be all bad for those of us on the Right side. While the Dems beat each other up over the next five months over who is best qualified to answer the phone at 3:00 am, the GOP can focus on closing ranks behind candidate John McCain, who, btw, is the correct answer to the 3:00 am phone call question, unless of course, the subject of the call is a Bimbo eruption, in which case, Hillary clearly wins the booby prize.

John McCain has now emerged as the Republican candidate and it is interesting to note that he has done so against a field of highly-qualified candidates. Moreover, the process was generally absent of the vitriol and nasty attacks that have characterized the campaigns on the other side of the aisle. And stay tuned for more of the same as the Clintons unleash the big guns against Obama. I hope, for his sake, that he has someone tasting his food. As has been mentioned here in the past, John McCain is not only the most qualified candidate, but also has the ability to actually get things done while still carrying the flag for the Republican way. We believe that as the fall approaches, he will iron out those concerns expressed by some regarding his conservative bona fides.

There are over eight months to go until November. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Richard Nixon could have learned a thing or two about being a ruthless bastard from Hillary. She will do anything to win and that spells "entertainment". I can picture her at the convention, having shed her fake human head to reveal the 6-eyed snake monster face underneath. "Behold your new master... muah haa haah haaaa!"