Thursday, March 24, 2011

You betcha! .......Sorta

Sarah Palin was in town last night for a speech to a sellout crowd at the Ritz. This morning's Naples Daily News headline brought us up short:

Palin in 2012? You Betcha!

Had Sarah announced for the big dance?

Upon closer inspection (i.e. We read the article) there was really no new news in the news:

“I’m thinking about it and praying about it,” Palin said when asked whether she’d run for president in 2012. “(But) whether I’m a candidate or not … I’m going to stay engaged.”

No harm done, we guess, if the local editor was trying to sell a few papers to those of us without the wherewithal to catch the speech in person. What came as a bit of a surprise was the negative tone of readers comments regarding Sarah's suitability for candidacy. Being from a blue state, we were ready for the nasty comments from the left, but there also seemed to be a lot of grousing coming from the other side of the aisle. Click HERE to check out the article and comments.

Sarah may not be our first choice for the 2012 Republican nomination, but we in no way subscribe to the over-the-top dismissal of her as a total light weight. I mean, last time around we elected a community organiser who, while he apparently did attend Columbia, managed to avoid any study of economics. And Harvard Law School where he seems to have been MIA when they covered constitutional law. So Sarah had to settle for plebeian state universities, but last we heard, the ivies, fine institutions that they are, do not have an exclusive on effective education. And lets not get too hasty in minimizing Sarah's experience as the Governor of Alaska. Of the four candidates in the last presidential election, she had more administrative experience than the other three combined. She also seemed to be the only one who could speak with experience regarding energy issues.

We welcome Sarah Palin's participation in the primary process and let the chips fall where they may. There are at least six serious candidates poised to toss their hats in the presidential ring. But as of last night, the only hat actually in the ring belongs to Tim Pawlenty. Wait, is that a hockey helmet?

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