Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And So it Starts - Pawlenty is In

Some say that it doesn't seem possible that we are once again at the beginning of the next presidential campaign. Others, including the View, think that it can't come fast enough if we are to sort out and resolve the confusion, uncertainty and gibberish that has symbolized the current administration's governance, first revealed in the jumble of domestic programs such as the massive health-care bill that still defies understanding and, more recently in the arena of international affairs. But with 2012 just around the corner, it is clearly time to start the process that will identify and nominate a candidate to run on the Republican ticket next year. Amid the six, or so, individuals generally seen as the most likely contenders, Tim Pawlenty stands out for a number of reasons.

First of all, Pawlenty may well be the least well-known of the field. But as the former two-term governor of Blue-state Minnesota, he established the reputation for effective management while dealing with a democratic legislature and strong public unions. He presents strong conservative bona-fides and is well-grounded in understanding the concerns of the average voters.

There are several reasons why Tim Pawlenty may well be the candidate we need in 2012:

We need a president with strong executive skills to effectively manage the massive federal government, ensuring that the purpose for each agency continues to be a high priority and revamping, or even eliminating, agencies where this is not the case.

We need a president who can establish and maintain a meaningful discussion as to which of our national goals should be pursued and which should be deferred so as to accommodate economic policies designed to preserve and defend the public fisc for generations yet to come.

And we need a president who can lead the movement to re-charge the American tradition of opportunity, rather than a handout, for all its citizens.

Last, but certainly not least, we need a president who recognizes and defends the role of the social structures and values that have provided solid underpinning to America's greatness for over two and one half centuries.

Job one for the rest of us is to get to know Tim. A good place to start is to view his recent facebook announcement message by clicking HERE Listen to his message and commit to find out more about him. Then, compare him with the other candidates. I think you will agree that Tim Pawlenty deserves a place on our short list.

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