Monday, June 6, 2011

Re-elect Scott Brown

It's hard to believe that with seventeen months to go before the election, Scott Brown, and the Brown Brigade, are up and running in full re-election mode.

The Senator was in town yesterday to make the case that, given all the hot air coming from the left, not to mention the cadre of candidates lining up for the nomination, it is not a bit too early to start generating support for the re-election of the only Republican holding high state or federal office in Massachusetts. Brown was frank and open, especially regarding some of the votes he has made as senator. "I didn't go down there to do nothing", Scott stated and was unabashed in his willingness to work with whomever could develop new ideas to solve our serious fiscal problems. "It's all about jobs", he continued. "We must enable businesses to begin hiring and put people back to work". This requires the re-establishment of a sense of tax and regulatory stability to encourage investment in the future.

With respect to the federal deficit, Scott cited a dangerous "precipice" yawning out into our future if nothing is done to stop the out of control spending. He reassured those in attendance that raising the debt ceiling without serious and meaningful cuts in spending is a giant non-starter. Attendees were also assured that efforts are underway to tame Obama care, especially its most damaging provisions.

So don't be a wallflower. Get it on and start thinking Re-election for Scott Brown. The other side has already spent an incredible $45 million in an early effort to capture this most important Senate Seat. Don't let it happen. Click on Scott Brown for Senate to learn more.

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