Saturday, December 11, 2010

Be Careful of What You Fear

In the early days of the run up to the 2008 presidential election, we worried endlessly at the impact of a Hillary Clinton presidency, which appeared to be more and more inevitable. That is, until we came to realize, a dollar short and a day late, that a little known, and embarrassingly inexperienced, Illinois senator was in the process of winning the Oval Office. Hillary's candidacy evoked a litany of concerns. For example, she would surely try and re-introduce a big national health care program. But one of the unique concerns regarding her possible election was the return of Bill Clinton to the White house, albeit as first dude. How would that play out?

As the saying goes, the rest is fast becoming history. We didn't get Hillary after all. Instead we got this unknown, ill-prepared cipher who quickly took the country into a massive left turn as he strives to turn the good old U.S. into Sweden. More astute observers were quick to recall that the new president had clearly telegraphed his political orientation. I thought of his conversation with Joe the Plumber where he called for "re-distributing the wealth", and had to admit that the signs had indeed been there. However, as a small part of our futile efforts at finding a silver lining in this cloud, it was noted that at least Bubba wouldn't be back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue anytime soon.

So imagine my chagrin (don't worry, my family hides the sharp-edged objects)when I happened upon the above photo on Drudge. In case you have been out of touch and need to get a back story for this photo, click HERE to get the gory details. Yes, it is as bad as it looks.

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