Friday, November 12, 2010

Back to Basics for the RTC

Brad Marston's POSTING over at Red Mass Group is an excellent summary of specific steps that Republican Town Committees must take if the party is to compete more effectively in 2012 and beyond. This posting, and the following comments, are a must read for anyone with a stake in the future of the Republican Party in Massachusetts.

Karl (TLC) Weld's comment is especially notable:

The data is available to identify these folks. We just need to do it. We must make year-round activism the norm instead of getting in motion only during election season. There are plenty of votes taken on the Hill that are a sound basis for year-round lit drops in the form of "fact sheets' and "Did You Know" messages. Let's not save these for the run-up to elections but constantly remind voters of what's going on up there. Maybe we can break through to some folks and get them to realize that the only way to reform state government is to change the players. And then offer them viable players with viable solutions. Waiting until it's time to campaign to do this is like starting from scratch every time. And that's unproductive and an inefficient use of resources.

Let's not wait until the spring of 2012 to get started.

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