Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's Show Time!

Yes, there are a few days left before the special election, next Tuesday, but with Monday being a holiday there is a three-day weekend between here and there.

If there is any chance that you might be unable to get to the polls on Tuesday, go to Town Hall today and vote at the Town Clerk's Office. Also, while the rest of Plymouth Town Hall is closed tomorrow (Friday), the Town Clerk's office WILL be open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, to acccomodate voters.

While the main event is, of course, Scott Brown's crusade to upset the Democratic opponent, there is also a separate Plymouth Town ballot on the question regarding the proposed increase in the Meals Tax. By voting NO on this question, voters can roll back the .75% increase in the meals tax under the local option. Having the chance to cast a binding vote on a tax increase is as rare in Massachusetts as a strong, attractive Republican candidate. What we have here, folks, is a twofer!

So do it today, do it tomorrow or do it on Tuesday, but get to the polls. EVERY VOTE COUNTS!

If you have any doubt that Scott Brown should be our next Senator, click HERE and read the post on the lefty Blue Mass Group, which contains the most half-baked endorsement you have ever seen. I apologize for the language, but here is a direct quote of the Headline:

Yes it Sucks, yes you have to vote Coakley

BMG's motto: Reality-based commentary on Politics and Policy in Massachusetts and around the Nation.

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