Friday, January 8, 2010

Still on the Fence?

Love him, or hate him, Howie Carr has been one of the most consistent voices, speaking our against the foibles of party hacks for many years. He also is one of the few in the MSM who takes on the entrenched Democratic Party, no mean feat here in the bluest of blue states.

With many voters, especially Independents (or should I say Unenrolled?)wondering if the political pendulum isn't overdue for a swing away from the Liberal apogee and back to, at least, some fiscal sanity, and, at the same time, looking at the upcoming senatorial election and wondering if Scott Brown may not be the breath of fresh air many of us are seeking. If you are perfectly comfortable with the Democratic candidate, there is probably little hope in changing your mind. But if you think we can do better, I urge you to read Howie Carr's COLUMN in today's Herald.

Come to think of it, if you are leaning heavily towards voting for the Democrat, maybe you should read the article, especially if:

You’re in a union, and you’re going to have to pay a 40 percent tax on your “Cadillac” health-care plan if Martha Coakley gets a chance to vote for Obama’s health-care rationing bill.

I bet you didn't know you were a fat cat.


You’re a veteran, and you wonder why you’re supposed to vote for an ardent supporter of the administration whose Homeland Security secretary refuses to call real terrorists terrorists, but who last spring issued a memo to local cops warning that “the return of military veterans . . . could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups.”

By the way, thank you for your service.

And get off that fence.

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