Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Technical Difficulties

To our legions of loyal readers, we extend our apologies for the lack of postings since last January. While our hope for a third Romney presidential candidacy continues to have a detectable heartbeat, the more operative reason for the hiatus has been a severe technical glitch in accessing the site. What can you expect from an IT orientation that had its roots in floppy disks, dot matrix printers, and still doesn't include an I phone in its tech arsenal.  Not to mention the fact that we have no grandchildren to tutor us.

So keep an eye on this site as it is undergoing a bit of a makeover. Once complete, we will be scurrying to catch up with current events.

Why the photo of WFB, Jr.?

The November 19, 2015 issue of National Review celebrates the its 60th anniversary and is clearly a collector's item for all right-thinking people. If by some chance you are not a subscriber, get yourself a copy, today.

Linkage between N.R. and this site is limited to one of inspiration, of which we are grateful recipients.

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