Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thomas Sowell on the Presidential Electorate

Writing on the selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate in realclearpolitics, Thomas Sowell puts his finger on an interesting point regarding the electorate who will select the next resident of the White House:

"This election is a test, not just of the opposing candidates but of the voting public. If what they want are the hard facts about where the country is, and where it is heading, they cannot vote for more of the same for the next four years."

The chilling aspect of this observation, is the vast number of Americans who are prepared to do just that and demand a blind continuation of those spending programs, driving the deficit growth, that if left unchecked will threaten our American way of life, including those very programs. Paul Ryan brings, among other things, an expert grasp of fiscal reality. Whether enough people are willing to believe these facts remains to be seen. Ironically, the biggest challenge facing the Romney-Ryan ticket will be to convince enough voters to accept the stark truth. This will be no easy task.
As Sowell continues:

"There are no doubt voters who will vote on the basis of believing that Obama "cares" more about them. But that is a faith which passeth all understanding. The political mirage of something for nothing, from leaders who "care," has ruined many a nation."

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