Monday, September 14, 2009

Taking It To The Streets, II

To say that coverage of last Saturday's march in Washington drew minimal coverage from the MSM could be the understatement of the year. Not for nothin' the best article we could find was from the UK's Daily Mail Click HERE to read about the huge turnout of private citizens concerned enough about the left's raid on the U.S. Treasury to spend countless hours riding buses from all over the country to our nation's capital to express their frustration and concern directly to the federal government.

The few articles we could find in the MSM reported "tens of thousands" of demonstrators, clearly an attempt to minimize the impact of this historical event. The Mail mentions as many as one million in attendance, but before we get drawn into a side bar argument on attendance numbers, click on Sharilee's POSTING on Worcester County Freedom Trail to see the evidence that time-lapse photography produces.

Reporting in National Review On Line, Mark Hemingway provides some interesting insights into the makeup of the marchers:

As for the composition of the crowd, well I personally spoke to people from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Idaho, Alaska, Delaware, Tennessee, Nevada, California, Montana, as well as Virginia and Maryland, natch. (And I'm probably forgetting a few.) What also bears noting is that a lot of people came by bus — and of the people that came to the march by bus, almost all came on privately chartered buses organized by someone they knew. I asked one guy, who came up from South Carolina with 160 people on three buses, who put his trip together. He laughed and said, "My neighbor." Can we drive a stake through the astroturf claim now?

Click HERE to read the rest of Mark's report and view the great photos.

Perhaps the lack of coverage may keep some uninformed, but you Can be sure that the members of Congress know about the march and now have even more reason to question whether they want to support the president's crusade to bankrupt the U.S. to finance his socialistic agenda.

Congressman Joe Wilson may have been impolite, but he sure wasn't wrong. Do the math.

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