Saturday, August 22, 2009

Grass Roots at Town Hall

They’re un-American,” says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “They’re spreading lies and distortions,” says senior White House adviser David Axelrod. They are “being funded and organized by out-of-district special-interest groups and insurance companies,” says the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

"They," as you probably guessed, are the concerned citizens who've shown up at town-hall meetings across the country to express their displeasure over what President Barack Obama and the Democrats are about to do to our health-care system. But who are they really? What motivates them? And why are they so angry?

So begins an excellent article by John Goodman, President of the National Center for Policy Analysis in the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal which looks at the makeup of the rising tide (Tsunami?) of realization that proposed health care reform bill is a neutron bomb of change to health care as most of us know it.

Remember, according to a Fox News poll conducted last month, 84% of Americans rate the quality of their insurance as "excellent" or "good." When they voted for Mr. Obama for president, they thought "universal care" meant helping some unfortunate Americans obtain insurance they cannot otherwise afford. Not once did candidate Obama say he was going to make changes that affected them and their health care. In fact, he promised the opposite.

As Tonto once said to the Lone Ranger: "man speaks with forked Tongue"

The left is quick to characterize the outpouring of concern for the proposal as something sinister that is being orchestrated by Right Wing subversives. Look again at the picture above. Where are the uniform tee shirts and professionally-designed signs that characterize the "spontaneous" left wing protests? What the Democrats are slowly learning, is that they have kicked over a hornets nest of anger among the vast middle class of Americans who don't want their medical care messed with. And these folks are not being misled by partisan interest, they are horrified at the actual provisions of the legislation. Maybe the legislators are too busy to read the bills, but the voters aren't that dumb.

Want to do something? Click on the ON LINE PETITION and add your name to the 1.1 million of concerned citizens who have signed the Free Our Health Care Now petition. And don't take any one else's word for it, read the bill's language and don't let a bunch of socialist wannabees bulldoze the best health care system in the world into the abyss.

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