Monday, April 20, 2009

Iranian Justice, an Oxymoron

Roxana Saberi, 31, an Iranian-American free-lance journalist has been convicted of spying by the Iranian Revolutionary Court, and sentenced to eight years in prison. As reported in a WSJ ARTICLE, she is charged with passing "information" to American intelligence agents. But according to her lawyer, Abdul-Samad Khoramshahi and her parents, she is being railroaded by "inappropriately applied justice". Say it ain't so.

With one of our journalists in a foreign jail under suspicious circumstances, it didn't take long for the Obama team to come to her aid:

On Saturday, both the White House and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said they were deeply disappointed by the sentencing, and that the U.S. will continue to vigorously raise its concerns to the Iranian government

"Deeply disappointed"? What's next? An official stamping of the feet?

Why is this reminding us of the Carter Years?

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