Friday, February 6, 2009

Go Mitch!

Turns out, the new Pres was showing some of that slick hoops footwork, when he told us in his inauguration speech that the choice de jure was "hope over fear". He now tells us, only a few weeks later, that we have a lot to fear if we don't pass the massive, so-called, stimulus package, efsoon. Moreover, the libs are flogging the airways with ads designed to rush this mammoth porker to his desk for a quick signature.

The only thing standing between this bill and any sense of fiscal reality is the small band of Republican Senators, led by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R, Kentucky). Here is an email that we sent to McConnell's office this morning:

Senator McConnell:

The media is reporting that the President and his allies are "turning up the political heat" in an effort to break Republican resistance to the passage of the so-called stimulus plan. I know that I speak for many Republicans, conservatives and ecominc realists when I urge you and your colleagues to stand firm against this pork-laden fiasco. Please continue your efforts at reducing (especially, non-stimulative) spending, and increasing tax cuts designed to stimulate economic growth.

Click HERE to send your own email message to Senator McConnell. The pressure is building to force this pig into law, so do it today.

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