Sunday, August 17, 2008

The View Turns One

When The View was launched, a year ago, its stated goal was to examine and discuss the important issues of the day, as determined by the View. As we post our one hundredth article, we look back over those issues with a satisfaction that, for the most part, that goal has been achieved.

Initially, the subjects were eclectic as they ranged from book reviews to a recap of personal and family events as well as a smattering of eulogies for loved ones and some well-known personalities. But as the year progressed, the subjects began to focus more and more to issues of politics and government at the local, state and national level. One of the strengths of our form of government is the process of debate whereby the issues are subjected to differing opinions, drawing out the pluses and minuses of the various points of view. The results are not always perfect, but if the process has been allowed to work, they are generally accepted as being in the best interest of all. To the extent that such debate is precluded, the legitimacy of the system itself is brought into question. No where is this danger more present than in our home state, dominated by one political party.

So as we move into our second year, we reaffirm our intent to continue to provide "a measure of cogent counterpoint to the herd mentality of the blue state left." For the most part, this will reflect the conservative point of view. And while, admittedly, this small effort is akin to lighting a single candle in the dark, it is part of a much larger effort by like-minded individuals at ensuring that the issues be well-tempered by the heat of debate.

Finally, thanks to all who have provided feedback and comments. There is nothing more gratifying than shaking loose a few paragraphs from the blogosphere and knowing that we have provoked some thought.

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