Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Conservatism, Alive and Well

From the Wall Street Journal's, Notable & Quotable
May 20, 2008; (Page A23)

Fred Thompson, writing at Townhall.com:

Conservatism is alive and well in America; don't let anyone tell you differently. And by conservatism, I don't mean the warmed-over "raise your hand if you believe . . ." kind of conservatism we see blooming every election cycle. No, I'm speaking of the conservatism grounded in principles based upon enduring truths: an understanding of the importance of human nature in the affairs of individuals and nations. Respect for the lessons of history, the importance of faith and tradition. The understanding that while man is prone to err, he is capable of great things when not subjugated by a too-powerful government.

Here, in the beginning phase of the presidential election, it is a good time for a gut check on just where we stand on some basic issues. To date, the democrats have been firing primarily on each other. And even given Mrs. Clinton's efforts at portraying herself as a moderate, there are fortunately, enough of us around with clear memories that know her for for what she is, and moderate doesn't cut it, in spite of her strategy of putting on a new persona as easily as changing pantsuits. If Barack continues to firm his grasp on the Democratic nomination, at least there will be no confusion as to his liberal positions.

As the campaign heats up, be prepared for debates on specific proposals. Health care, and its massive costs, is certain to re-surface. It is understandable that some people would be willing to have the federal government solve many of their problems, conveniently ignoring the corresponding loss of personal freedom. Before the tide of rhetoric starts to rise, revisit the points made, above, by Fred Thompson.

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