Monday, August 13, 2007

The View

Since The Rock is located in a covered pit, the physical view is somewhat limited. Although, if you were to climb down to the bottom, you would enjoy a nice, albeit brief, sea-level look through the barred grate at the harbor boats with Plymouth Beach in the background. You might even get a souvenir photo before the park cops haul you away.

So what we are really dealing with here is a point of view. And by the way, if you got here by searching for information about Alcatraz, keep searching. Ditto for rock music aficionados.

Is there a paranormal energy radiating from this piece of stone enshrined on the Plymouth waterfront, or is it perhaps the radiation of a different sort emanating from the nuclear reactor located a few miles to the south? Whatever the source, the local environs have long been known to foster inquisitive and innovative thinking. This page will attempt to utilize this energy to consider important questions of the day. What, you might ask, constitutes an important issue of the day? Not to worry. This will be determined, from time to time, by me. But what if you find that you don't agree with my decisions? I suggest you start your own blog.

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